Worried About Macular Degeneration? Here's One Easy Way To Reduce Your Risk

Macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness in old age and one to be wary of. Unlike many genetics-based conditions, you do have some control over whether or not you get macular degeneration later on in life. If you want to avoid this disease, here's what you need to know to drastically reduce your risk. The Impact of Blue Light Blue light is just one portion of the lightwave spectrum, but it's a potentially dangerous one. [Read More]

The Eyes of a Diabetic

If you have been recently diagnosed with type II diabetes you have probably been told you should make an appointment with an eye doctor. It is important to follow through with this whether you currently wear corrective lenses or not. Anytime your blood sugar is not within the normal range your eyes can be damaged. Being newly diagnosed, your blood sugar has probably been on the high side for a while. [Read More]

Improperly Caring For Your Contact Lenses Might Come Back To Haunt You

Contact lenses are meant to make life simpler. You don't have to worry about them hurting your face if you get hit playing sports, and they don't fog up when you come inside. However, in some ways, wearing contacts is harder than wearing glasses. You have to clean them, store them, and remember to change them regularly. If you don't do these things, there could be serious consequences. Here's a closer look. [Read More]

Learning More About How A Tick Bite Can Cause Blindness

Many people enjoy walking through peaceful, beautiful wooded areas. Many pet owners love to hug and snuggle their outdoor pets. Lots of people enjoy working in their garden and flowerbeds. If you are one of these people, you may have been bitten by insects like mosquitoes and ants. You might have suffered a couple of bee stings as well. However, you may never know a tick has latched on to you until you start getting sick. [Read More]